viernes, 6 de mayo de 2011


I no longer measure time by days...they seem to blend and the difference between a Monday or a Thursday has nothing to do with the day of the week. Some days are better than others. Some weeks, especially lately, have more best days than shitty ones. They mostly have to do with my physical capacity and with my perception of gravity. Curiously, when the weather shifts, gravity increases. It has nothing to do with depression due to the grayness of a cloudy day.
Weeks seem to fly by and the ability to take less Mestinon than a month ago is very motivating. Having come to terms with my capacity, or lack of, and it's change for the better, also relieves me. The dark tunnel phase is separating from the present rag doll.
So it's a good Friday! The cold, cloudy weather only reminds me that Winter is closer at hand, snow will arrive and hopefully I will be ready to take up my job at Ski Portillo once again! LIFE IS GOOD :) 

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